In the heart of a bustling village nestled amidst terraced rice paddies, in the shadow of the Yellow Mountains of China, lived a young boy named Jian. Jian, with his…
Every part of the world can be seen from many different perspectives. We should remember that our own perspective is not the only right one. Our perceptions are shaped by our unique life experiences. Everyone has their own way of seeing the world, and the world itself is a diverse and ever-changing place.
In the bustling heart of Delhi, lived a man named Raj. Raj was a successful businessman, his pockets overflowing with riches. He owned a grand mansion, drove fancy cars, and…
We all desire freedom, to be untethered from the constraints that bind us. We dream of a life without the responsibilities of relationships, money worries, or work obligations. However, true…
When we face problems, it’s easy to feel like giving up. We may feel overwhelmed, defeated, and ready to surrender. But we all have a strong force inside of us…
The statement “every action you take, there is a consequence, So accept with consciousness without good or bad. Then your life will be be more fruitful. This is what we…
Personal growth is a universal and deeply personal journey that transcends the boundaries of religion, geography, and culture. While religious practices, geographical locations, and cultural backgrounds can certainly influence an…
In the grand tapestry of existence, the question of life’s purpose is a thread that weaves its way through the human psyche. It’s a question that has captivated philosophers, theologians,…
As I sit down to ponder the profound question, “Who are you?” it becomes evident that this isn’t just a casual query. It’s a gateway to understanding the very essence…
The choice between a realistic, unrealistic, or hyper-realistic baseline for your life depends on your personal goals, values, and circumstances. Each of these approaches has its own merits and considerations,…
Universal laws in spirituality are perceived and understood differently from various viewpoints, including those of humans, religion, time, existence, and mutations. Let’s explore these perspectives: Human Perspective: From a human…