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The Law of Duality

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The Law of Duality, also known as the Law of Polarity, is a universal law that states that everything in the universe has an opposite. This principle suggests that opposites…

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The Law of Correspondence

2 Min Read
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The Law of Correspondence is an important spiritual principle that emphasizes the interconnectedness of everything in the universe. It posits that our outer world is a reflection of our inner…

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The Law of Relativity

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The Law of Relativity is a theory in physics and a principle in spiritual philosophy, serving different meanings in both contexts. Here, we will focus on its meaning as a…

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The Law of Inspired Action

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The Law of Inspired Action is a philosophical principle asserting that achieving our goals and desires not only requires thought and intention but also inspired and proactive action. Here’s a…

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Duality- Emotional vs Intellectual

2 Min Read
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Duality – Intellectual vs Emotional explores the contrasting aspects of rationality and logic (intellectual) versus feelings and emotions (emotional). It represents the dichotomy between relying on rationality and analytical thinking…

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